Thursday, December 29, 2016

Primordial Beginnings. When things fall apart, return to the source.

By Sango Kainde Ejiogbe

Greetings, Without land we can't build no Pan African Traditions school in the mangnitude presented on this blog. And let me say that the name of the school is Gullah Gee Chee Traditions school to honor the Gullah Gee Chee heroes and heroines who sacrificed to end chattel slavery. We are still in mental slavery but this is choice. So support the Gullah/Geechee land and Legacy Fund and we can continue African civilization on these shores and in the Caribbean Islands with our other family. We want to build more ships and boats, transportation to the islands so we can stay connected, from the Sea Islands, to any where in the Caribbean, Motherland Africa, and assist each other when needed. Love, Sango.

Queen Quet
Head-of-State for the Gullah/Geechee Nation

Queen Quet Marquetta L. Goodwine is a published author, computer scientist, lecturer, mathematician, historian,  columnist, preservationist, environmental justice advocate, environmentalist, film consultant, and "The Art-ivist."  She is the founder of the premiere advocacy organization for the continuation of Gullah/Geechee culture, the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition.   Queen Quet has not only provided “histo-musical presentations” throughout the world, but was also the first Gullah/Geechee person to speak on behalf of her people before the United Nations in GenevĂ©, Switzerland.

Queen Quet was one of the first of seven inductees to the Gullah/Geechee Nation Hall of Fame.  She received the "Anointed Spirit Award" for her leadership and for being a visionary.    In 2008, she was recorded at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France at a United Nations Conference in order to have the human rights story of the Gullah/Geechee people archived for the United Nations.  In 2009, she was invited by the Office of the High Commissioner of the United Nations to come and present before the newly founded “Minority Forum” as a representative of the Gullah/Geechee Nation and the International Human Rights Association for American Minorities (IHRAAM) which is an NGO in consultative status with the United Nations.  Queen Quet is a directorate member for IHRAAM and for the International Commission on Human Rights.  She represented these bodies and the Gullah/Geechee Nation at the “United Nations Forum on Minority Rights.”

Due to Queen Quet advancing the idea of keeping the Gullah/Geechee culture alive, the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition under the leadership of Queen Quet, worked with Congressman James Clyburn to insure that the United States Congress would work to assist the Gullah/Geechees.  Queen Quet then acted as the community leader to work with the United States National Park Service to conduct several meetings throughout the Gullah/Geechee Nation for the “Special Resource Study of Lowcountry Gullah Culture.”  Due to the fact that Gullah/Geechees worked to become recognized as one people, Queen Quet wanted to insure that the future congressional act would reflect this in its name and form.  As a result in 2006 the “Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Act” was passed by the United States Congress and signed into law by the president.

Queen Quet is vetted with the United States White House as an Expert Commissioner in the Department of the Interior.  She is also the Chair of the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor General Management Plan which is being completed by a commission created by the act for there to be a “Gullah/Geechee National Heritage Corridor.”  Queen Quet is also a member of the “National Park Relevancy Committee” and proudly continues to work to protect the environment and to insure that diverse groups of people engage in the outdoors and the policies governing them.  Queen Quet has engaged in several White House conferences on this issue.

Queen Quet has appeared in and consulted for over a dozen films that range from full length action films to historic documentaries.  She has been interviewed by national and international media for television, radio, and print.   She has been seen and heard on programs in Australia, China, Germany, Mexico, the Bahamas, Canada, England, and different countries in Africa.  She also has become the host of “Gullah/Geechee Gwine On Nayshun Nyews” which is broadcast by “Gullah/Geechee TV.”  In September 2010, she spoke before a full house and received a standing ovation at the United States National Press Club in Washington, DC as she educated the crowd on the language and continuing traditions of the Gullah/Geechee Nation.

Queen Quet has won countless awards for being a woman of distinction, for her scholarship, writings, artistic presentation, activism, cultural continuation and environmental preservation.   Queen Quet was chosen as a TogetherGreen Fellow.  Toyota and the Audubon conducted a national search and chose Queen Quet to be a part of this network of environmental conservationists.  As a result, she created an on-going program called “Gullah/Geechee SEA & ME” in which SEA stands for “saving environmental actions” and ME stands for “marine environment.”  This program focuses on intergenerational engagement in learning Gullah/Geechee traditions that are beneficial to the Sea Island environment and promotes engagement in citizens science activities.

Queen Quet’s accolades include the United States Jefferson Award for community service, the Jean Laney Folk Heritage Award for Gullah Advocacy from the state of South Carolina, the inaugural “Living Legacy Award” from the Association for the Study of African American Life & History (ASALH), the inaugural HOTEP Award, the inaugural MaVynee Betsch Conservation Award, numerous Woman of Distinction Awards, the National Black Herstory Award, being featured on the “Wall of Heroes” at the National Wilderness Society headquarters in Washington, DC and on the website of The Citadel in Charleston, SC as a woman of honor.   She has received several Queen Quet Day and “Gullah/Geechee Days” proclamations in various states.   She received the “Preserving Our Places in History Lifetime Achievement Award” from the South Carolina African American Heritage Commission.   The General Assembly of South Carolina also honored Queen Quet with Resolution 1453 for the work that she has done on behalf of her home state and Gullah/Geechee people locally, nationally, and internationally.

She was selected, elected, and enstooled by her  people to be the first Queen Mother, “head pun de bodee,” and official spokesperson for the Gullah/Geechee Nation. As a result, she is respectfully referred to as "Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation and Head-of-State.”

For further information and protocol procedures contact:

Gullah/Geechee Nation Headquarters

Post Office Box 1109

St. Helena Island SC 29920

(843) 838-1171

For presentations e-mail:

Queen Quet’s proverb that has now gone around the world:

“Hunnuh mus tek cyare de root fa heal de tree.”

A Taste of Gullah

Gullah Documentary: Queen Quet describes a "Bin Yah"‬

Only Maroons Communities, or slaves who organised themselves based upon a traditional  African culture, were able to form societies that  were both able to withstand the power structures of slavery and win their freedom by force. 

Maroons were found in 
many places and  
still live in:

 St. Helena Island, S.C, U.S.A
Saint Vincent 
Puerto Rico
Dominican Republic
Trinidad and Tobago

Gullah/Geechees Honor Emanuel 9
by Gullah/Geechee Nation

"Black History Month 2017" opened with events honoring the Emanuel 9 in Charleston, SC in the Gullah/Geechee Nation.  Gullah/Geechee native artists, Leroy Campbell unveiled his new piece, "Bible Study" at the Charleston Music Hall.  The City of Charleston also gave him their first key and a proclamation of "Leroy Campbell Day" for being one of their successful native sons that still continues to contribute to his community.

Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation ( was one of the first to get a photo with Leroy Campbell's "Bible Study" which honors the Emanuel 9.

Within days of this celebration, the production "Gullah/Geechee Knows Emanuel" opened.  This dramatic historical play produced by Carlie Towne Gullah/Geechee People Productions was written by Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation ( The play will tour to other locations during 2017 after their dinner theater and Party with a Purpose event which will be another fundraiser for the Gullah/Geechee Angel Network, the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition, and the Destiny CafĂ©.  That show will take place on Friday, June 2nd at "Scott's Grand."

The Gullah/Geechee Nation intends to keep the names of those senselessly murdered at Emanuel AME known.   They seek to keep the spirit of their works alive through honoring GOD and continuing to uplift the community.

Gullah/Geechee Nation Celebrate Seismic Gun Control Victory!
by Gullah/Geechee Nation

Join the South Carolina Environmental Law Project (SCELP), the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition and representatives from Stop Offshore Drilling in the Atlantic - SODA, Coastal Conservation League, Charleston Waterkeeper, Conservation Voters of South Carolina, the Gullah/Geechee Fishing Association, Sierra Club of South Carolina, and many others allies in celebration of stopping seismic gun use off the Gullah/Geechee coast.  The oyster roast at Bowens Island, SC in the Gullah/Geechee Nation will be held Sunday, February 12 from 2 to 5 pm. Purchase tickets at


There was a lot of people who counted us out the lost children of mother Africa. A strong testament to this fact, "The Door Of No Return", for it was said, we would be so lost in culture, language and tradition, that we would never be accepted back into the fold of African civilization. I myself like many others delved deep into the studies of Ancient Kemet, I read many books, and my journey took me to the far east, where in fact, our people did build civilization in the ancient Shang dynasty of China. I learned the IChing, the greatest book of Chinese Antiquity, was not written in an Asian language but African. I learned martial arts from Chinese Masters in Atlanta, Ga, and in San Francisco, Ca. Yet all of my reaching back into the past I didn't discover the exact place I needed to look. That was until I came across the Sango Temple founded by Ofuntola Oseijeman Adelabu Adefunmi I. I read the story of ,Ofuntola Oseijeman Adelabu Adefunmi I, and I was duly impressed. The amazing journey of this African man from Detroit to study the true religion of our forefathers and foremothers and his restoration of our culture is beyond words. His Ifa life reading that predicted that he would become a true king of African lineage and establish his own kingdom that would be the catalyst for the ultimate change of Africans in Diaspora. I don't know of any that has gotten it right the way that His Royal Majesty Oba Adefumni I got it! Without him no African in Diaspora would be studying authentic Orisha/Vodoun culture here in the West. Our culture had undergone syncretism, mixed with Catholism and other non-African traditions, a wise decision, by our ancestors, to preserve the culture but an idea that had outlived its purpose. A time had come for us to fully awaken and return to our roots. It was with great fortitude and diligence, His Royal Majesty Oba Adefumni I, journeyed to Nigeria and got initiated in the authentic traditions and brought them back to us and restored our culture. 

His Royal Majesty Oba Ofuntola Adefunmi I

May you rest in perfect peace after having completed with Olodumare asked of you. 

I prefer to call Ofuntola Oseijeman Adelabu Adefunmi I by his mystical and holy name, "Damballah". Damballah is a creator god in Dahomean legend, one who creates his own reality, he created the other Gods, like Sango, Ogun, Oya, etc. Damaballah is like Obatala in the Yoruba Pantheon. This message is only to be understood by the initiated and the wise. I've spoken of the waters of life,  energy vibrations, and the electrical current of life, that stems from the will of the Creator, "Olodumare", so please pay attention. His Royal Majesty, Ofuntola Oseijeman Adelabu Adefunmi I, projected his will into the future. So here we are today at the threshold of creating our own central organized system of economy, thanks to Damballah. Sure we can succeed in this journey but we could have never created a civilization as fine as the Yoruba civilization for this takes ancestral knowledge. Its better explained such as, to create a civilization, a constitution to lead our villages and kingdoms, requires several lifetimes of corrections. We can organize our physical reality how we see fit but its not likely we would succeed without ancestral input into our affairs. So I agree with the great Dr. Walters Williams, who said so rather passionately, we must connect with an established African order to succeed in our quest to build our own nation. I agree with the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X, many Black Nationalists, Muurs and Pan Africans, that the Blackman and Blackwoman must build up their own independent nations on this Earth. In my humble view, His Royal Majesty,Ofuntola Oseijeman Adelabu Adefunmi I , made the right call to action and personal sacrifices needed to complete our sojourn and launch us into a new Era. Ase. 

Current King of Oyotunji 

HRM Oba Adejuyigbe Adefunmi II began his destiny on earth December 21, 1976.

Igbega Alade Festival 
Festival of White Light

Celebrating the life and legacy of Oba Adefunmi I. The founder of Oyotunji African Village the one and only Yoruba traditional based African Village in North America. The founder of the cultural restration movement connecting traditional Yoruba culture in North America for African Americans. The Festival of White Light.

Igbega Alade means to carry the spirit of the founder high, or royal elevation. Here in North America Annually we elevate HRM because of his tireless effort to connect the Yoruba tradition to its descendants here in the United States. HRM built temples, wrote books, lectured, created films, music, dances, and a culture unique to the descendants of Africans here in the US. We share with you his vision of learning ones own culture, sharing in its beauty, merriment, and poetry. Oyotunji African Village continues in the traditions of our founder nearly 50 years after inception. Celebrate with us!

The weekend of February 10th we surround Oyotunji African Village by Candlelight including the Royal Tomb of HRM Oba Adefunmi I. We commemorate the life and times of HRM in learning the history, and culture he brought forth through films, tours, and a lecture series.

Friday February 10th
Opening Ceremony Film “It’s Been Poetry”  
*Wine & Cheese Cash Bar
*Popcorn & Beer Cash Bar
“Chat” –w- elders oriki/stories of Oba Adefunmi I

Saturday February 11th
*Film Series Marketplace
*Traditional African Marketplace
3:30pm-5: 30pm:
*Royal Egungun Parade
*Candle Light Parade
All White Aria/Fundraiser Party

Sunday February 12th
Obatala Worship

It takes a Village

Building settlements based upon Oyotunji Model

We must build Nomes or Orisha towns. We must build these towns from the ground up. We must gather men with their wives and children, move to an open location, that we've previously selected, made sacrifice to Nana and began building. These towns must only have Orisha energy, no energy from other religions would be allowed. The towns each must have commodities that they specialize in. Some towns can grow cotton, others beans, others yams, others blacksmith towns, others warrior towns, etc. These towns will be put into trade with each other. Each town will have a council of elders, chief, various administration titles. Those who start these towns shall become the stakeholders, and we shall award hereditary titles, this way its a benefit for you to embark on this venture, as your family will be the first in power. 

We can start these Nomes with small groups then progress to build structures like water supply, irrigation, community greenhouses, schools and temples. We can use Oyotunji as an example. This strategy that I am using is similar to Terra Mystica, Go and Wei Chi, that is taking territory is how we will win this war of attrition. We must finalize this war and gain omniscience throughout the region. Study my strategy and let me know how I can make it fit your Pan African concepts.

De Conch January/February 2017 Edition
by Gullah/Geechee Nation

De Conch is the international ezine of the Gullah/Geechee Nation.  Make sure to read online, download, and share the January/February 2017 Edition which details the coming events in the Gullah/Geechee Nation for the year.  It highlights the activities that will be part of #GullahGeechee2020.

Oppose More Private Docks in the Gullah/Geechee Nation
by Gullah/Geechee Nation

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management responded to numerous letters requesting a public hearing regarding the request of Charles F. Harris to obtain a private dock on historic St. Helena Island, SC in the Gullah/Geechee Nation near Fort Fremont Historic Site.   This request referenced by OCRM-16-354-G was opposed by all that attended the public hearing at the St. Helena Branch Library on January 24, 2017.   Public comment letters can still be sent in to add to this opposition to Geordy Madlinger at until February 7th.

Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation ( and Founder of the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition shows a map from the Gullah/Geechee Sustainability Think Tank in opposition to allowing any additional private docks to be placed on the Gullah/Geechee Nation's coastline.

The continued inudation of the Gullah/Geechee Nation's coastline has blocked native Gullah/Geechees from continuing to access waterway points and has has negative impacts on their ability to navigate waterways which private docks are within.  There are also negative impacts to the coastline and the sea creatures and shorebirds of the waters where docks are placed.  Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation ( and Founder of the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition ( addressed some of this in her statement of opposition during the hearing:

Hunnuh chillun please hep we fa keep disya coast and heal um fa de @GullahGeechee!

Queen Quet Presents 

“Gullah/Geechee: Africa’s Seed in the Winds of the Diaspora”


Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation ( is an award winning author.  She has released five volumes of a thirty volume history series entitled "Gullah/Geechee: Africa's Seed in the Winds of the Diaspora."  She will present from this series for "Books Sandwiched In" at the University of South Carolina-Beaufort Center for the Arts on Monday, February 6, 2017 at from Noon to 1 pm.  The histo-musical presentation will be followed by a book signing.  The event which is sponsored by the Friends of Beaufort County Library is FREE and open to all.  Cum fa yeddi bout who webe een de nayshun ob de Gullah/Geechee!

President Obama Declares National Reconstruction Monument in Beaufort, SC
by Gullah/Geechee Nation

President Barak Obama declared five new United States National Monuments by using the Antiquities Act to “preserve critical chapters of our country’s history” and to “ensure that our national parks, monuments and public lands are fully reflective of our nation’s diverse history and culture.”  One of these new national monuments is the multi-site "Reconstruction National Monument" in Beaufort County, SC.  It will include the Brick Baptist Church and Darrah Hall which are both in the Penn Center National Landmark Historic District on St. Helena Island, SC as well as the site of the Emancipation Oak at Camp Saxton in Port Royal.   All of these sites have major significance to the spiritual and land rights story of the Gullah/Geechee Nation as well as to the on-going battle for freedom and full recognition of the contributions of people of African descent to America.

When the journey began a decade and a half ago in regard to posing the idea of having a Reconstruction study conducted by the US National Park Service, there was major opposition by the descendants of the Confederacy.  However, when Congressman James Clyburn and Director Jonathan Jarvis hosted a public meeting on historic St. Helena Island, SC during December 2016, every person that spoke was in favor of the "Reconstruction National Monument."  Every face from which a voice emitted reflected the full spectrum of "diversity" since there was a wide array of Gullah/Geechee and non-Gullah/Geechee, anglo and people of color, male and female, and no doubt folks from a varying array of political parties and positions in the church.  I am sure that Brick Church had not seen such a mixture of people fill this building to the rafters since the Civil War era!

As I sat there and witnessed and documented this historic moment, I thought about how the discussion previously was ready to ignite just what a documentary that I consulted for used as a sub-heading-the second civil war!  Now, even if some of the parties in the room were there looking at this controversial era as another way to bring in tourism dollars versus an opportunity to finally tell the entire story, it was a blessing that there will now be a platform from which this story will be revisited.  This time it will include what Gullah/Geechees did during that era and how we still dey ya pun de land wha bin paat ob disya!

Gullah/Geechees in Reconstruction: The Second Civil War
Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation consulted for "Reconstruction: The Second Civil War" and sang for the score. She is one of the re-enactors in several scenes as depicted here in the Tunis Campbell settlement scene shot on the Georgia coast of the Gullah/Geechee Nation (

 Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation consulted for "Reconstruction: The Second Civil War" and sang for the score. She is one of the re-enactors in several scenes as depicted here in the Tunis Campbell settlement scene shot on the Georgia coast of the Gullah/Geechee Nation (

After having served on the National Park Service Relevancy Committee, it feels good to know that our discussions about how the NPS would go forth after its 100th anniversary was not in vain.  President Obama and all those that supported this effort have insured that the national monuments reflected in the system will be diverse and relevant to people from all walks of life including those of a rural Sea Island.

As I walked out of the Brick Baptist Church down the dirt road on my beloved St. Helena Island, as I have done countless times in my life, I felt like I was walking with many of those that we still honor such as Harriet Tubman, Charlotte Forten, Suzie King Taylor, Martin Delaney, and the 1st South Carolina Volunteers that left their tracks in the Sea Island soil of Beaufort County, SC.  They seemed to be back standing on the island once again ready to shout like folks did at the first reading of the Emancipation Proclamation.  I was shouting with them because I have been blessed to work with people that love history with all its pains and controversy, trials, and triumphs.  We have stood together to battle to insure that the entire story was told and our cries were heard inside the White House!  As a result, we have definitely had a triumph with the declaration of the "Reconstruction National Monument" in Beaufort County, SC!  Tenki Tenki frum allawe President Barak Obama!

Queen Quet Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation and US Congressman James Clyburn at Darrah Hall of Penn Center which will now be a part of the "Reconstruction National Monument."

Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation and NPS Director Jonathan Jarvis at Brick Baptist Church on historic St. Helena Island, SC in the Gullah/Geechee Nation.  Brick Baptist Church is one of the sites of the "Reconstruction National Monument."

Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation and NPS Director Jonathan Jarvis at Brick Baptist Church on historic St. Helena Island, SC in the Gullah/Geechee Nation. Brick Baptist Church is one of the sites of the “Reconstruction National Monument.”


Queen Quet

Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation

Founder, Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition

Gullah/Geechee Land & Legacy Fund
by Gullah/Geechee Nation

The people of the Gullah/Geechee Nation ( have been fighting to keep their culture and traditions alive on the land that their families own from Jacksonville, NC to Jacksonville, FL.   Over the past twenty years, the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition ( has led the effort to keep Gullah/Geechee land ownership going and to protect the human rights of Gullah/Geechees worldwide.

Unfortunately, the Gullah/Geechee have continued to suffer land loss and also the loss of numerous lives in the Gullah/Geechee Nation with the drowning of a Gullah/Geechee family from Sandy Island and the murders of Walter Scott in North Charleston, and Cynthia Hurd, Suzy Jackson, Ethel Lance, Rev. Depayne Middleton-Doctor, Rev. Clementa Pinckney, Tywanza Sanders, Rev. Daniel Simmons Sr., Rev. Sharonda Singleton, and Myra Thompson at Emanuel AME in Charleston, SC in 2015.  This does not count the numerous Gullah/Geechee elders that passed away due to stress related illnesses while fighting for their land over the past several decades.

Recently, global media has published stories and shown news reports regarding the displacement of Gullah/Geechees from their homeland.  This media attention caused thousands of people to request that the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition and Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation create this GoFundMe Campaign so that they can support the efforts of helping the land retention amongst the Gullah/Geechee:

To that end, the funds raised here will assist with:
• the fundraising for legal matters for Gullah/Geechee land retention and human rights protections
• contribute to the fund for a Gullah/Geechee owned ferry for the people of Sandy Island
• provide for additional FREE Gullah/Geechee community land rights, heirs property, and human rights workshops and materials so that Gullah/Geechees can protect their land ownership and keep their cultural heritage and traditions alive on their land
• the sponsorship of the inaugural "Black Folks Land Legacy Conference" which will be held on St. Helena Island, SC in the Gullah/Geechee Nation March 10-12, 2017

Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation ( & De Gullah Cunneckshun will continue the "Gullah/Geechee Land & Legacy World Tour" (
during 2017.  This fund will continue to support the expenses of this world tour that is entering its third year of raising global awareness of the genocidal attacks against and the environmental justice, human rights, and land rights issues of the Gullah/Geechee Nation .

We are calling on all those that support the Gullah/Geechee Nation in their continued stand for self-determination to

1) become dues paying members of the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition which can be done online online at

2) sponsor a Gullah/Geechee fundraiser and community awareness event in your community no matter where you are in the world as part of the "Gullah/Geechee Land & Legacy World Tour."

3) come to the Gullah/Geechee Nation for "Gullah/Geechee Volunteer Month" in March annually to assist with environmental and social justice projects along with hundreds of other volunteers from around the world.  Email for more details.

4) donate to the official 501(c)3 of the Gullah/Geechee Nation if you would like to receive a tax deduction.  Go to

Tenki Tenki ta hunnuh fa de support!

GAWD bless de Gullah/Geechee land and we legacy!

Rebuilding the African American Community by Returning to Traditions 
Her Royal Majesty Queen Quet of the Gullah Gee Chee Nation

We are currently faced with what has been deemed a crisis in our communities, which are marked by destructive youths and people with low self-esteem. Many have come to ask themselves, “What are we going to do in the future?” As African people in America, we have witnessed the tearing down of the things that we have built up and seen our communities practically fall apart before our eyes. We want and need to combat this and rebuild our families, our organizations and our institutions. We need to recapture the interest and respect of our youth and pay attention to and care for our elders as our fore parents did. The blueprint for how this is done lies in our traditions. 

My focus on the Gullah and Geechee cultures of the Sea Islands stems f rom personal experience. I am a product of a South Carolina upbringing and I am a member of two families that have a long history in the Sea Islands. My life has been unique in that I have lived the Gullah lifestyle as it is represented in the city or an urban environment and I have lived and worked on the soil of my home on St. Helena Island. As has occurred elsewhere in the African American community, there has been a departure from traditions in the Sea Islands which would be helpful to us now. Only recently have people come to accept and admire the things that were done in the south in order to maintain the family and to be self-sufficient. This new acceptance and admiration has only come because over time peophle have become intrigued by the fact that despite all that Gullahs and Geechess have been through, they have been able to preserve and maintain their own cultural practices, rituals, and language. As Dr. Na’im Akbar states in Community of Self: 

We still listen only to the idea, interpretations, explanations, and directions that are given to us from outside of our communities… It is not easy to hear the inner community voice, but freedom does not come until we hear it. 

I agree with his premise that:
Every community has an independent voice. It is the independent voice does not require us to dominate anyone else, but it does require us to dominate (or control) ourselves.

Given the history of the exploitation of various African and African American peoples and cultures, there is some apprehension to research and open dialogue concerning traditional practices. Thus, many do not feel that people have “a right” to start “digging up” certain things. If we can make clear that our motivation for research and discussion is the elevation and preservation of the community, the discussion begins to become easier and more open. The core of African American survival mechanisms are the traditions of the “old ways”. When we were more consistent in these traditions as a community, we had more control of ourselves and our views. The culture cannot be properly elevated by those who do not understand it for there are many nuances which will be misinterpreted. These can only be clarified if the community that is being studied is actively a part of the study process and not just treated as a voiceless specimen to be viewed with a magnifying glass. 
Those who do not understand the unique community that has been formed in the Sea Islands by the Gullahs and Geechees often regard its members as ignorant, barbaric, and backwards in their speech and practices. Only recently through the work of scholars, researchers, linguists, and folklorists are people realizing the value of the Gullah language and culture. As a result of the respect that has begun to grow for this culture, more interest is gradually growing in other aspects of southern African American culture. People are beginning to realize that there were many things that we overlooked that can now be drawn upon to change present negative trends in our society. 

One might ask, if our tradition had so much to offer us then why did we leave them in the first place? Part of the answer lies in what Carter G. Woodson pointed out in The Miseducation of the Negro: how the “traditional curricula of the times…did not take the Negro into consideration except to condemn or pity them.”
This condemnation and pity of the Gullah-speaking Sea Islanders had an overwhelming and almost devastating impact. These people were taught that “ef oona tak likka disyah, den ting backwad” and if you wanted to “make something of yourself” then you needed to “correct” that way that you spoke. This correction came in the form of changing that intonation of the words and then beginning to take on “standard” English as a first language and leaving Gullah as a secondary language. As time went on, Gullah began to be eliminated from certain people’s communication altogether. This slow change in language also brought a slow change in how to view the world. As one’s world view changes, our values and value system change as well. We then want to get away from that wich we feel is seen in a negative light and to get closer to what is “acceptable.”

For generations, the speech pattern of African American southerners was not seen as acceptable to “mainstream” American society. Gullah was especially seen as barbaric and backwards. Many scholars are only now beginning to realize that speech patterns and behaviors of people of the south were not “backward” for the most part, especially when it comes to Gullah. In fact, as Joyner and others have noted, the continuation of the language and certain practices surely points to its importance as a potent symbol of cultural unity among those (the enslaved Africans) who built it up and passed it on to posterity. The unfortunate thing is that the descendants of this culture often do not value what has been passed on to them. A major difficulty comes in trying to explain this to many African Americans who used to speak Gullah, Cheechee, or in a similar fashion before they migrated to northern cities and felt that they had “made it” by arriving there and obtaining a job and an apartment. Many of them have had to struggle with the fact that by departing from the land and turning their backs on their native tongue and the practices in which they had been raised, they have in essence turned their backs on their own culture and history. As Joyner noted, “Speech communities imply a shared culture and world view.” Thus, the break from the language is also a break from the culture which is formed through the traditional practices. 
Joyner also dealt with this when he stated:

No the least of the ironies of Afro-American history is that aspects of Black speech related to Gullah are now stigmatized by many Blacks as we as Whites as illiterate or associated with field hands, in contrast to the high prestige of ‘proper’ English.  In retrospect, one should be more impressed with the success of the slaves, a people of diverse linguistic backgrounds and limited opportunities, in creating a creole language and culture than appalled at their ‘failure’ to adopt into the language and culture of their masters” 

Whether they are Gullah-speaking or speak of a particular “Black English dialect”, many southerners have done all they can to eliminate the way they spoke in the south from their present system of communication. Many times this was done because they were ostracized by teachers and other students who did not speak that way or they felt that they had “risen above” such a way of speaking. Many who made a conscious choice to “eliminate” their Gullah way of speaking have also altered how they view the “old ways.” They tend to see island and/or old southern traditions and practices as ignorant or at minimum, not useful. These traditions include crafts, use of healing herbs, religious rituals, “communalness,” and more. 

These displaced Sea Islanders and other southerners prefer to blend into the “mainstream” and/or “mainland” culture. Thus, they also tend to adopt the world views of the group with which they now prefer to associate. More often than not, these views are not conducive to rebuilding the African American community. However the rebuilding of the African American community can only be to the benefit of the American community as a whole. 

Currently, there is a breakdown in American society due to the extreme emphasis on the individual and the comforts of the individual. There is no appreciation and respect being cultivated for other peoples and the cultures attached to these peoples. Instead, the latest buzz word is “tolerance” for each other. 

In the Sea Islands, there has been an onslaught of land takeovers which has led to a further breakdown of the cultural base and traditions. As the decades passed, more Euro-Americans began to come into the area and buy land in order to build summer homes and resorts. These newcomers did not come into the area with respect for the people or the culture that was already there. 

This continuing trend is not discussed on any large scale basis because it is seen as a local problem or Sea Island problem. Why isn’t it seen as a problem of all of us? Is it because we are not Gullah? Or we live in the city and have no intention of moving down there? Or simply because we have allowed ourselves to drift from the tradition of cummunalness?
If we begin to look at the term “community” as meaning “common unity” then maybe we will also begin to see that issues like this do and should go beyond the 10 mile radius of the geographic location that is the center of it. When we begin to look at how everything affects everything else within the universe as our ancestors did, then we will be able to truly begin to start to work towards correcting some of the negative trends that we are faced with.

People begin to unify or come together due to the things that they have in common. Understanding community in this basic way is the foundation of Sea Islanders’ ability to survive and develop and maintain most of their language, culture, and traditions in spite of the oppression that they faced and the threat to their self-suffiency brought on by land takeovers and land taxes, and compounded by zoning and licensing acts to this very day. This understanding has stemmed from the faith and spirituality that Sea Islanders extends beyond the history of the churches that we were built there. Although there “praise service’ is now conducted in edifices such as the church and the praise house for the most part, the praise process is ongoing and the spiritual connections are evident in day-to-day activities. These activities still include field work, i.e, farming and sea work. These and crafts are the means through which many Sea Island families have remained self-sufficient.

Many have been displaced from their land and have not been able to remain as self-sufficient as they would have chosen to be. There also a number of problems that faces the entire country that is being dealt with in the Sea Islands, including drug use and violent crimes. However, they too can begin to be counteracted by a return to teaching our children at all times and having them be a part of what we are doing as opposed to allowing them to learn their world view from what the television puts out. 
African American history has been put in writing largely from oral tradition. We used to sit with our children, speak to them and tell them, and passing on traditions. The children now are amazed at some of the things that they hear about the history of their own people because we no longer teach them. There are even many adults who are also amazed because they have forgotten a lot of what was passed down to them, having taken it for granted when it was being presented by someone in their community. 

The traditions, the crafts, the entire society—all are breaking down because we have stepped away from sitting together and sharing with one another our ideas, views, and life experiences. If we return to this tradition and begin to rebuild communication between us so that we can dialogue about what is going on in our minds, in our households, in our community, and in the world, we can then begin to set a plan in order to rebuild community as African Americans. As each ethnic group does this, then the worldwide picture will become less bleak. 

When we look at the way things are now and we begin to go back and find out what went wrong, it is likely that we are going to find that things are not continuous and smooth, but that there are jagged edges where pieces that have fallen off may not be replaceable. For example, Sea Islanders may never be able to regain the land that they have lost. But do we simply let go of what is left or do we fight to preserve what is left and make an effort to regain that which was since put aside yet still has values? 

In the process of evolution we must take the old and build on it to fit the new circumstances and environment. Any old structure needs to be examined and analyzed before it is added to. There may be reinforcements that are necessary before any additions can be made. If the structure is too faulty, then it may have parts removed or be completely torn down and rebuilt. 

Many have realized or are realizing that there are cultures that are hundreds of years old which can provide guidelines to teaching a number of things including self-sufficiency and respect. Community respect is often the driving force behind those that realize the value of their native language not as a commodity, but as a mode of survival—survival of culture, traditions, heritage, ancestral ties, education, and community. Thus, they are willing to work to preserve and build up the community. 

As mi people sey, “empty sak cyan stan upright ‘lone.”

We present this book as part of our ongoing efforts in this line. We have not sought, in The Legacy of Ibo Landing: Gullah Roots of African American Culture, to capture facts, artifacts, and archival remnants of Gullah culture, but rather to celebrate its dynamic, compassionate, and spiritual essence. We have sought to portray its joyousness, as well as its resilience, its pride, its courage and indeed, its heroism. Is it too much to say that what we allow to become of the Gullah in America will speak to what we will have allowed to become ourselves? For after all, of all African people in America, it is the Gullah who have clung most dearly to what we once were, who have suffered and endured ignominy, deprivation and even death to preserve it. The Gullah has much to teach us still. If we allow what they preserved to perish from this Earth, the loss will also be our own. 

Cum togged wid we people
fa hold on to de tings wa wi peopol we. 

Mus’ tek cyear a de root fa’ heal de tree. 

 Gullah/Geechee Land & Legacy

Real wealth is valuable land 

The Central Organized System of Economy of Oduduwa Peoples

The Living Sango and his 4 wives, Ayaba Sango

These are the rulers of Oyo Empire and all Yoruba people on Earth. Ayaba means queen mother, all African kingdoms have queen mothers, sometimes mother of the King, sometimes queens and those women of noble blood rank. In Oyo Empire the elders called the Oyo Mesi, a bloodline of ancient Ile Ife chiefs, appoint the Alaafin. In some African kingdoms, such as Kuba Kingdom and Ancient Egypt, it was the prerogative of the queen mother to choose the King. Many of our people today, stripped of African tradition, are opposed to polygamy but look at this way, this photo shows 1 male in imperial power and 4 females in imperial power. Yes the Ayabas weild power in Oyo and women aren't limited in Yoruba or Gullah culture from doing anything they desire to fulfill their destinies. Its controversial but polygamy was invented not by men but women as a creative solution to the natural imbalance of males to females. Women rulers go back further than the male if one studies true history of the Mami Wata societies that ruled ancient Africa. Further study of maternity, reveals the black girl baby to be the most resilient to infant mortality, not to mention, women outlive men. Women have always and will always outnumber the men as Olodumare favors the woman in creation because of her creative role. Without women there would be no mother and human life would come to an end. We must raise up our women to restore our culture and traditions. Love, Baba Ejiogbe. 

Alaafin of Oyo, His Imperial Majesty Oba Adeyemi III Head of Oyo Empire of all Yorubas and the Ooni Of Ile Ife Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi Ojaja II

 $100 to join the worldwide trade union for Africa. 

$25 sign up to be a supporter

$25.00 due each month

Requirement must sign up 3 other supporters to become a full member

Our organization isn't based upon Evangelistic building model. We have a structural system of executive council, lead by Queen Quet and the King, Oba Adefunmi II, the Ogboni Chiefs, ruling council members of various independent groups, whom have appointed a head to represent them at the highest level. 

How we proceed is simple, starting from number 1, Her Royal Majesty Queen Quet, we build by 3's. Each recruited supporter must sign up 3 other supporters before gaining full membership benefits. Any member who signs more than 243 members can become a junior labor boss. Any member who signs up more than 2187 members can become a labor boss.Junior labor bosses can assist their labor bosses, supervise projects and help gather labor to begin and complete projects within their guild.  Being a labor boss entitles you to make proposals and oversee a budget for an economic project for their guild.

As you can see, from this illustrated and creative example, we can build easily a socio-economic system, which is derived from mathematical soundness and accuracy. Not to get too technical as there is nothing spooky going on here. We have simply altered the way in which we build our kingdoms and nations. Too many times African liberation and nationalists movements have failed after the loss of a leader, due to whatever reason. The resulting occurrence always transpired although, chaos, the people lose steam and disperse. With this model here we can prevent such bad re-occurrences. We also don't put all the weight upon the leader and blame the failure of our kingdoms, nations and organizations merely upon the leader's performance. We do need charismatic spokespersons but not as leaders and as a benefit we eliminate the crutch that the people had upon such a magnetic personality. 

Queen Quet
Ejiogbe 1 $25.00

Per month calculations
Level one: 3 members = money raised $ 75.00
Level two: 9 members  = $225 
Level three: 27 members = $675
Level four: 81 members = $2,025
Level five: 243 members = $6075
Level six: 729 members = $18, 225
Level seven: 2187 members  = $54, 675
Level eight: 6, 561 members = $164, 025
Level nine: 19, 683 members = $492, 075
Level ten: 59,049 members = $1,476,225

Our goal is to reach ten levels of support for each trade union. And if we go higher then we will just go higher, put its not wise to go beyond 30% of a population, when building a union.  Keep a list of the people you sign up, because after you sign up people, that number gets accredited to you. So if you are an organizer, leader, and you have a large group, the amount of people you sign up is awarded to you. There will be no payout, no payout. All money goes into the trusting hands of Queen Mother Quet. The King, His royal Majesty Oba Adefunmi II is over the Ogboni and security of our entire trade society. All monies be awarded based upon budgeting, then members get to vote on how and where they want to start building within their guild's domain. This is where Sango guild, the Administration, The Ogun, the Production, Orunmila, the Public Relations, Oya guild, Special Services, Osun, Creativity.  The Ogboni Chief over your trade union will conduct union hall so that the voice of the members can be heard. The members can vote upon proposals being put forth by Labor bosses, and projects are supervised by Junior Labor bosses. 2/3 votes wins, all ties decided by the Ogboni Chief of that guild. All trade disputes are handled by the Ogboni Chief, any instance of corruption, will be handled in Leidi court of Ogboni.

$25 A Month

$5 for Women
$5 for Children
$5 for Economic Infrastructure
$5 for Education

$5 for Administrative Treasury

His Royal Majesty Alase Oba Adefunmi II

The Women's Club headed by Ayaba Sango Her Royal Majesty Queen Quet and the Ayaba gbogbo le’ya obinrin society of Ogboni. 

the Ayaba gbogbo le’ya obinrin society is a grapevine, communication organ, comprised of women, men and teens, and babies can be initiated into this society. We need two management structures to run the entire operation. Electronic surveillance can be comprised and must not be relied upon to keep order. Those who wish to be apart of this women's society must be members of the Ogboni. Ase. 

Chief Queen Mother Queen Quet/Executive Administration

All Queen Mothers are actual Queens or first ladies of African traditional governments. Women leaders of the rural women network may also qualify to represent their town, village or country.  The point is the position of queen mother has to be someone who has influence in their people's destiny, a candidate must have this qualification so we can bridge the cultural gap and expand the operation in new territory. 

Vice Queen Mother/Finance/Accounting & Feasibility
Vice Queen Mother/Child Care/Youth Services
Vice Queen Mother/Public Relations/Communications/Editorial
Vice Queen Mother/Clinical Operations
Vice Queen Mother/Spiritual Services
Vice Queen Mother/Facilities and Management
Vice Queen Mother/Education/Sustainability living
Vice Queen  Mother/Women's Rights and Advocacy

Deputy officers of Queen Mothers/Department heads
Accounting & Feasibility
Child Care/Youth Services
Editorial Staff
Clinical Staff
Spiritual Services
Facilities and Management
Education/Sustainability living
Women's Rights and Advocacy 

Male Auxiliary force to offer protection, security, handle maintenance and support for the Queen Mothers. This must be men who enthusiastically support the authority of women and their equal rights. This is not unusual for some men to support the matriarch as some women boldly support the patriarch. Every one souls has a different calling. But all men entering into Ayaba Sango must obey the Queen Mother and do what she says or leave. No exception. This rule must not be violated or misfortune will fall. 

Our Objectives

To work for the economic, moral, religious and social welfare of women and youth.
To protect the rights of women and youth.
To raise the standard and quality of life in home and family.
To secure and use our influence for the enforcement of civil and international political rights for Africans.
To promote the education of women and youth through the work of the central organized system.
To obtain for African women the opportunity of reaching the highest levels in all fields of human endeavor.
To promote effective interaction with the male auxiliary.
To promote cross cultural understanding between Pan African cultures and people so that justice and good will may prevail among Africans.

To hold educational workshops biennially at the Convention.

Leveraging Culture and Traditions 

 Development that is sensitive to local circumstances builds tolerance for differences, engages many stakeholders and is more likely to succeed and be sustained. How can culture and traditions be leveraged to build inclusive societies? And what is the role of traditional leaders in this process?


Ssaabasajja Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II and His wife, Queen Mother SYLVIA NAGGINDA

Dr Afia Zakiya: Decolonizing Knowledge on WASH in Africa: The significance of African Culture

The Importance of Educating Girls

If we only knew, educating girls is way more substantial and has greater impact than educating boys.  The education of girls contributes to higher economic productivity, lower fertility rates, and improvements in the health and well-being of families. Educating girls is crucial to ending Africa's cycle of poverty, disease and instability. We will never get back to where we once were as a great people walking on one leg. 

Osain Garden and Children's world.

Osain's garden is nature's wonderland it is a 100 acre medicinal garden with winding paths, bridges; stone and gravel pathways. The curator of this park is an experienced herbal master preferably an Ifa priest with a lineage in Yoruba Herbal Medicine.We youth corps to assist in all manners of the garden as has on experience and training, with many supervising members of the guilds.  The main entrance of the gardens is equipped with a tour gathering area, a small market of shops from arts, crafts, seedbanks, flower shop, various eateries and clinic for physical and spiritual services.  Osain Garden features 30 unique home style gardens, each taking a different theme, show casing specialized plants and within their own permacultural-environment. A section of the garden is devoted to seniors and those with disabilities. In the Tea Garden are special made bench style raised beds that allow those tending the plants to so workers can rest and work in leisure. There is a tea shop and cafe area in the center of the garden. Another theme is the Tropical forest it contains large fruit trees, greenhouses, a juice bar, along with a grill for family outings and small party celebrations, this is an exciting part of the garden. Last but not least, the vegetable and  medicine garden, this portion of the garden is dedicated to a wide collection of African medicinal plants used by various traditions throughout the continent.

The Water Garden School

Water garden school for children ages Preschool to age 13. This will also include orphans, who will be given an option to live on or near the campus for life as this will be their home. As long as laws are obeyed and respect is given the orphan can stay on and continue to work at the school, etc. 

This school's curriculum presents living to eat healthy and live right while learning in the garden. Small children at preschool age can begin studying plant life and insects, African spirituality, creating arts and crafts, sculpting and painting, playing board games like; Shisima, AMPE, NYAMA-NYAMA-NYAMA, STOCKINGS, and  MANCALA. Aside this, children will eat fresh garden grown fruit and vegetable everyday, drink fresh water, and enjoy pastries and juice. To further their artistic and creative capabilities the children will attend live musical shows and plays put on by the adult males. This will give the children being taught by all women a chance to interact with their fathers or male role models. Besides having a school the garden will have a clinic and adjacent laboratory , cafeteria, visitor's lounge, tour seating area, raised beds made for children sizes, fish ponds, bridges and lake, i,e water reservoir, Ayaba Sango Temple with meditation room, an orphanage, residential area for workers and queen mothers, Amphitheater and seating stadium. 

A P.H.D Village. This village will be built for doctors, scientists and genius minds the school will attract. The attraction will be doctors, and chiefs, will have a homestead built for them, with total accommodations, maid service, car service and private area reserved for them. Their food will be provided by the Garden and farm operations. The point is to free up the doctors time so they can do research. They will only be required to teach classes on Sundays. Each student will be required to spend 2 hours on Sunday in either a religious class, philosophy or science, this will give the doctors a chance to lecture on their favorite topics. The rest of time doctors can spend in research and creativity in benefit of the institution. Such as having experienced engineers to administrate the engineering of infrastructure. Degreed professional agricultrual and physical scientists.

 Sango Civil Corps of Engineers

Civil Engineer Job Skills
Construction — Construct roads, buildings, clinics and hospitals, farms and factories, ship docks and airfields, etc.
Bridge — Construct, emplacement or assemble numerous bridges
Rescue — Perform search and rescue operations
Training — Train the force, write new policy and research alternative engineering technology

Roadway and Transportation Engineering
Project Management and Coordination
Construction Inspection Services
Construction Administration
Storm Water Conveyance and Detention Systems
Watershed and Hydraulic Analysis
Land Development Planning and Feasibility Studies
Commercial and Residential Subdivision
Land Platting
Research and Development
Earth home building and palace construction Projects
Commercial and Industrial Developments
Water Distribution Systems

Wastewater Collection Systems

Work for Education Program 4 hours of work equals 4 hours of school. Some will go to school in the morning and work in the afternoon. While others will go the work in the morning and school in the afternoon. The work will be divided by these two groups, or more division if necessary, to meet the productive schedule. 

The Operation has 3 phases.

1. The group must feed itself, thus learn to grow food that would feed the entire infrastructure group with left over for market sell. 

2. The group after completing the food growth,building natural houses and other living and working structures for the campus, ultimately will begin commercial farming to feed a multitude. 

3. The group begins to build roads, bridges and other infrastructural projects for the region. Build settlements and new towns and provide water, sewage, and living structures, etc.  Large forces will be dispatched to different locations dictated by the Executive Board. 

Our future ccapacity as far as how many corps and staff will shall employ in our infrastrutural group shall increase by gradual necessity. We must be began with training basic survival camp knowledge, living off the land, by hunting, fishing, basic fire starting, black-smiting, Earthhomes, building water supplies, greenhouses and then eventually we improve to more ssophisticated building operations. So this entire process may take years to reach the desire result of having thousands of youth corps who would build hundreds of finely built structures, lay out sewage and drainage systems, improve and upgrade roads, build bridges, and even perform search and rescue operations. This is to be a disciplined force because this method allows for a quicker and more proficient manner of results. 

There will be more phases. To be discussed later. 

Civil Corps divided into traditional African age groups.

Ages 13-24 divided into Age Sets: 13,-15, 16-18, 19-22, 23-24.  24 is the cut off age. No one older than 24 in the program. 

Young Adult Leadership Program 

Ages 24-35

Those who are too old for the program but still young adults who would like to participant can apply for this program. The standard is very high. This is a paid position, unlike the other program that are work for education. The positions are limited however. The candidates must be prior training in either Corps or similar like program. They must be highly intelligent, moral and have a clean background, must provide references. 

Agriculture means more than Subsistence farming... With agriculture, young people can explore career options in Permaculture design, Bio dynamic farming, Communication technologies, Forecasting, Marketing, Logistics, Quality assurance, Urban agriculture projects, Food Preparation, Environmental Sciences, Advanced technologies and more. Farmers, businesses, policy makers, and educators need to promote agriculture as an intellectually stimulating and economically sustainable career and make jobs in the agriculture and food system for young people in Sub-Saharan Africa. By Farmer Kiama Robert , Nairobi, Kenya 

The Gullah Gee Chee Traditions School

Greetings, many of the traditions covered in the school are well known traditions in the Gullah Gee Chee culture dating back to their origin in West Africa, Sierra Leone such as Blacksmith and basket-weaving. Some of them are more present day ventures but who can say that solar energy, for instance, was not an established trade in remote ancient times of African civilization. Trades are grouped according to talent pools of various imperial royal ancestors, called "Irunmole" in Nigeria. In early times, royal personages set up various traditions and taught them in order to flourish their kingdoms and help their people to prosper. The people were encouraged to unionize their efforts and chiefs were promoted to be the administrators of these trade unions. This culture occurred during Oyo and Dahomey Empires heights and was the economic infrastructure that Europeans noted upon their arrival in West Africa.

This example below shows slave advertisements, they are concrete proof that our ancestors were captured and sold based upon their skills in crafts, arts and civilization. Lots of African villages organized unions to create economies for their region going back thousands of years. Such as Rice and Cotton farmers, as we know, rice has many uses besides food, and cotton is used to make clothes and has other uses. A Miller is someone who grinds grain, this is very hardwork and takes strong hands and wrists. 

All trade unions are administrated by Ogboni, which is a traditional governing body of Oyo Empire. Ogboni simply are stakeholders, those who have a vested interest in protecting and maintaining justice and order throughout the Oyo empire and in the towns they reside. Those who own the land traditionally and those invested materially in this central organized system. Unfortunately, no one can gain higher rank beyond labor boss without being a member of Ogboni. This is an Ogboni ran Central Organized System of Economics. Ogboni chiefs are appointed by the King, but only Ogboni can initiate anyone seeking to join Ogboni.

Protecting our trade and organizations from corrupt African Americans and other Africans is vital. Because as you can see from these examples not everyone of our ancestors ever wanted us to go free. There were Black slave catchers, Black navigators of slave ships, Black slave patrols who hunted down slaves who escaped, Blacks who owned slaves, and traitors who ratted out uprisings for their own personal material advantage, i.e opportunists. As long as materialism exists opportunists will exist. 

Special note: The Sons of Confederate exists still and there are thousands of them and their families. Yes, Black slaves willingly helped fight against the abolition of slavery. When the war was lost Veterans of the Confederate Army formed the KKK, which composed of Whites to observe and rule over Whites, and Blacks to observe and rule over Blacks. There are still thousands of Blacks in the KKK this very day! 

Three rules to join this central organized system.

1. Only independent people can join, meaning you must be a subject/citizen of an independent body of African people. Those who have established their independent status with the United Nations and are recognized by the world body as being independent may join. Independent is further defined as those who fish, hunt, make their own tools, farm and seek to live off the land they own by their own work.

2. Must have an African cultural identity and language that bonds your independent body. 

3.  Respect for African royal government and traditions. This is not an option, this a definite must. Anyone refusing to bow to a traditional ruler and/or elder would be an embarrassment to us. No mocking, joining in mocking of our rituals, language, culture, traditions and refusing to obey the Ogboni chiefs commands.

I designed this program based upon consciousness. There are many false assumptions about consciousness that require cleaning up. Conscious is not information, although, in this information age, in which, we are surely blessed, yet despite, consciousness isn't about information. Conscious is about the cosmic consciousness that is innate in all things including living beings. It is a skeleton of carbon, dark matter, water, life-force,universal energy, what have you, that makes and bonds all things into existence. Tapping into this by ritual dance, meditation, martial arts, breathing exercises, absorption into an intense interest in some activity, a craft like Ogun the Blacksmith, Sango the drummer, Osun the dancer, Oya the warrior, Orunmila, the teacher, this will open you up for cosmic energies to flow through.

Information is about the world and all that is in it, consciousness is about being beyond the world. Conscious isn't free it is work. Information is free as a gift and a blessing. No one, should be charging you for information, while we live in an information age. Men have hide information to control knowledge, but no one except we can control our moving up into consciousness. Lectures, Dvds, and books about information that is readily available online is a waste of money that would have been better spent building consciousness. Being invoked in the dissemination of information is about sharing, in fact, its very true, "Truth is Change". Yet stuck in the world of information you're not learning a skill. Learning a craft is building of your strongest interests and you're not building your natural spiritually given talent if you stay glued to the issues of the world. If you are ready for a great leap then welcome to consciousness.   

You can only join one society so study yourself and find out which society best fits your natural spiritual given talents. Once you join a society and its approved you can not change it. We won't change an individual's choice unless we feel it absolutely necessary for the individual's personal well being and evolution. When you join a guild you join a family who is committed that you sustain yourself in the community and keep you from becoming destitute. So honor yourself and this institute and societies.

Trades and Guilds

Omo Sango headed by Ogboni Chief of Sango

Wood Arts
Wood turning
Wood frame construction
Architectural preservation
Wood carving
African dance/Orisha dance
Music festivals
African music Across the continent
Outdoor skills/safety
Traditional medicine
Yoruba and Gullah Herbal Medicine
Exercise/Martial Arts and Weapons
Security/Police/Military science
Amateur Radio Classes/Morris code/Talking Drums
Communication/Central communication
Horse Riding
Native plant identification
Building a business around your craft

Omo Ogun headed by Ogboni Chief of Ogun

Blacksmiths shop
Basic blacksmith skills
Tool making/repair
Engine Mechanic/Small/Medium/Large  Diesel/Regular 
Boat building/Sail and engine powered
Homesteading/sustainable living
Home and community energy
Earth bag construction/
Adobe Construction
Commercial Farming
Drum/Bata/Jembie Construction
Security/Police/Military Training
Weapon making, maintenance/sales/research and weapon training
Transportation/Heavy Equipment Operation
Bridge and Road Construction
Leather craft
Wood stove
Stone ovens
Stone craft
Outdoor Skills/Ecology
Native plant identification
Bird watching/Animal tracking
Hunting/fishing/seafood gathering
Outdoor skills/safety
Animal husbandry eggs
Micro farming/Small scale food business development
Solar energy
electrical knowledge – for putting together low impact energy generating systems
 Building and repairing solar panels
Installing solar systems
Building, making and repairing generators
Greenhouse building
Water seeking skills/Well drilling/Warka Towers
Condensing Air into Water
Artificial lake and pond building
Water reservoir construction
Clean water and sanitation
Soil renewal and regeneration
Environment cultivation-giving back.
Building a business around your craft

Omo Orunmila headed by Ogboni Chief of Orunmila

Book Writing
Paper, Writing and Printing Press
Computer Science and Network
Communication skills/Languages
Public Speaking and Presentation
Liaison/Community Relation/Regional/Foreign relations
Book Arts
Paper making
Writer’s workshops
Letterpress and printing
Ifa/Traditional Priest/African Spirituality
Chemical Lab Tech Training
Chemical lab
Yoruba and Gullah Herbal Medicine
Civil Engineering
Building a business around your craft

Omo Oya/Ayaba Sango headed by Queen Mother, Ogboni Chief of Oya and the Ayaba gbogbo le’ya obinrin Society 

Queen Mother Administration
Women's Club
Medical Training/Nurses/Midwife
Child care/Preschool
Greenhouse building
Garden design
Adobe and Earthhome/Mansion interior and exterior decoration
Commercial farming
Food processing
Seed saving
Canning and Food Preparation
Foraging, food preparation and preservation
Small scale food business development
History/Arts and Crafts
Film making, Film Festival/Plays/Play writing
Dance/Body Science of Movement/Yoga/Reiki
Gullah Basket making
Weaving and basketry
Animal husbandry eggs
Building a business around your craft

Omo Osun headed by the Queen Mother, Ogboni Chief of Osun and the Ayaba gbogbo le’ya obinrin Society 

Child care/Preschool/Small Infant care
Cotton/Silk/Leather production and manufacturing 
Garden design
Adobe and Earthhome/Mansion interior and exterior decoration
Commercial farming
Food processing
Seed saving
Canning and Food Preparation
Foraging, food preparation and preservation
Small scale food business development
Flower Botany
Glass blowing/Sculpturing 
Glass bottles and containers, etc
Acoustic music
Across the Continent music
African dance/Orisha dance/Science of movement
Jewelry making/Shop
Fiber Arts, rugs, etc
Ceramics pottery
Soap Making
Perfume Making
Scented Candle/candles

Building a business around your craft

Invited Independent Groups

Sierra Leone Paramount Chiefs and Sande Society

Haitian Rural Women's Network

Jamaican Rural Women's Network/Maroons

Trinidad and Tabogo Rural Women's Network and Farmers
Caribbean Network of Rural Women Producers (CANROP)

Oduduwa's Peoples Congress

 Ikorodu town in Lagos East Senatorial District 

Buganda Kingdom

Tooro Kingdom

Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah

This list will expand...


If you are not apart of a group then you must check your Gullah Gee Chee heritage, Yoruba heritage, Muurs under Empress Devine, etc. We will not amalgamate independent people with those who haven't accepted their independence for it will not work with those have done so.  Also loneliness encourages the seeking of company. Love, Sango. 

Queen Quet is the first elected Chieftess and Head-of-State for the Gullah/Geechee Nation.

All Checks made out to Queen Quet Chieftess of the Gullah Nation 

Mailing address below, or if you wish to make an electronic transfer: 

2 links

The Gullah/Geechee Nation can be reached at

Gullah/Geechee Nation Headquarters

Post Office Box 1109

St. Helena Island SC 29920

(843) 838-1171 or email

Make Afrika Great Again! Divest from America - Invest in Afrika

Dr. Obadele Kambon

SuperPower: Digital Giants - Philip Emeagwali - Nigerian born internet scientist - BBC

Dr. John Henrik Clarke 
The Necessity of Returning To African Customs

The world is not a Globe. 
Water is life

All waters of the oceans come from the primordial waters of a different density. Life began at the bottom of the oceans with giants reefs of coral which stretched for hundreds of miles. In Yoruba legend, the Sea Goddess, Olokun sometimes called a sea monster, as a lieu to a higher meaning. Coral shells are the homes of pollinators creatures that live inside coral shells. Also ugly predator and savager creatures all exist in a world of no light at the depths of the ocean. These coral broke down into sand and this formed into hard rocks sometimes, sometimes into different soils, this all occurred over eons of unknown time. The land began to form as sand islands, plants appeared, small birds like chickens and hawks. This is the Yoruba story of creation which matches almost entirely the story of Amen Ra on the sand hill except the Yorubas speak of Obatala creating land from sand. 





Ancient Cosmology

If one takes the time to study the example below it can be cleary seen the modern, which modern means, "Moor Down", that something has changed. All the ancient cosmology which has stood for thousands of years were suddenly supplanted by Roman cosmology that originated in France around the 17th century. 


The Power Of Words + Jovanka Ciares 

 This goes to show you why we must not use swearing and cursing words while conveying this great truth. In fact, we must not ever use these words when speaking with our elders, our youth and with each other. Words carry powerful vibrations that can transform things, especially water is known to transform to the shape of vibration. Ase. 


Not only is magic real but is given the wrong name to describe it to confuse spiritual tradition with cheap parlor tricks and illusions. Make no mistake, African spiritual traditions is very real, very effective, and when misused very, very, dangerous. This is how come witches and evil wizards are sought and punished in Africa. There are many spiritual traditions in the world from various cultures that all have their roots in Africa. Many people, dignitaries, rich and the power, seek out African priests in Haiti and on the continent to help them solve problems that have no conventional solution. We live in a world that is consists of water currents of energy, waves of vibrations, that can be changed and alter based upon sound and directed thought. Controlling your mind and emotions is key to creating your own reality. Where some cultures sit quiet and meditate Africans dance, chant and clap to bring alive and conjure the spirits within.  Ase. 

Dr. Fu-Kiau Bunseki was Born in Minianga, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dr. Fu-Kiau is one of the most
distinguished scholars of African culture. He was educated in both Western and African systems of thought.
His degrees are in the areas of Cultural Anthropology (B.A.), School Administration (M.Ed.), Library Science (M.S.), and in Education & Community Development (Ph.D.)and he was initiated into three major African education systems (Lemba, Kimkimba and Kimpasi). Dr. Fu-Kiau founded one of the first indigenous research centers in Africa, Luyalungunu Lwa Kumba-Nsi Institute which was dedicated to exploring and documenting traditionally accumulated Kongo teachings for the post-independent society and its institutions.

Dr. Fu-Kiau is considered the Father of Bantu-Kongo modern school of thought. He has published numerous books and articles on African culture. A leading lecturer at universities and cultural institutions in the United States of America where he travels extensively sharing his knowledge and wisdom, Dr. Fu-Kiau lives in Boston. His work has taken him to many parts of the world, to Brazil (Brasilian Federal University of Bahia), Germany (Museum Kunst Palast, Dusseldorf) and Israel (Hafia University). He has more recently and in different locations, run a wonderful full four day empowering program An Unusual Deep Insight Retreat for Self & Community Healing Power based on Bantu-Kongo Cosmology.

Dr. Fu-kiau Bunseki  writes...

‘There is a mystical power which causes people to walk on fire, to lie on thorns or nail, to change into animals (lycanthropy), to spit on snakes and cause them to split open and die;  power to stupefy thieves so that they can be caught red-handed; power to make inanimate objects turn into biological living creatures; there is power that enables experts to see into secrets, hidden information or the future, or to detect thieves and other culprits.’

He continues..

‘African people are aware of a mystical power in the Universe. 

This power is ultimately from God, but in practice it is inherent in, or comes from or through physical objects and Spiritual beings. 

That means that the Universe is not static or ‘dead’: it is a dynamic, ‘living’ and powerful Universe’

Many instances of African tradition

How the drum shapes reality as well as sends messages

In Sanskrit which derives also from Ancient Kemet or Kongo, mantras are used to raise vibration, shape reality and heal. The method that they use in India is much different from Africa, Indians sit and chant mantras, hold hand positions and some rare gurus do skeleton meditation. Yet in Africa, the people dance, drum, chant, clap, and stomp to draw out the spirit in the blood. Much of this is done in rhythm so instead a long sit we have a vigorous and exciting dance, with all the village involved in festivals and sacred ceremony. Words are paired with phrases and then converted into drum rhythms/patterns, this is the same as the mantra, these word phrases, repeated chanting in rhythm produces the magical result. So few will understand this and so few will want to accept it. Those who only use the drum for music and mere dance are missing out! Ase. 

Talking Drums of the Upper Congo

WOW! The "Talking Drums" of Nigeria !!

African Rhythm

All of life has rhythm and vibration 

Drumming, Energy and Vibrations

Here this European gentlemen gives a consist explanation on how the drums vibrations changes reality. The drum is powerful. Now I have a rant, please bear with me. How come the experienced African drummers never teach this? How come those in the Orisha community, the African Traditional Religions, never teach this important aspect of the drum to the people? Always focusing upon music and entertainment and hardly ever the spiritual side of the drum. I've never heard any African breakdown the truth of African spirituality of the drum and the power words, never once! The music and its vibration energy lessons are never taught. How come our people are going into Sankrit and other races cultural teachings to get this manifestation knowledge? While our systems are deliberately limited,  and they are the actually, the origin, people are hoarding knowledge, not aware that this knowledge is vital to our people's awakening. Knowledge of the Flat Earth already is known in many African secret societies like Ogboni but they keep it to themselves. How come they are this way? It doesn't help our cause to liberate ourselves or return African Order to supremacy. It doesn't. Some knowledge must be kept secret but some of it must be released. Ase. 


The Fake Moon Landing

If you by now understand the real physical nature of the world, and not the one that's been told, but the ancient ones, which stands true, you will know, going to the moon is impossible. The moon is not a solid object and borrows its light not from the sun but its own source. Understanding the universe is water is crucial. It is said, the will of the creator is waves of vibrations sent out into the vast and what we perceive as reality is the creator's will. And of course, we have our own will to project into the future. Ase. 


So many of our poor people, ignorant, and alone in the dark, have been deceived by Freemason Blacks with an interest in promoting Egypt as the origin of African American DNA. We are not Egyptians, our ancestors were from West Africa, especially Yoruba, Igbo, Dahomey, Hausa, San, Akan and other known ethnic groups of West Africa, too many to name. This deception centered around Afrocentric studies given at colleges like HBCUs. Which seems the primary aim is to keep the attention away from our true lineage. As we can recall from the great Marcus Garvey, his wanting to invest in West Africa was thwarted by such treacherous Negroes in the Freemasonry. West Africa is the most natural resource rich land on this Earth with Sierra Leone being the richest. Alaafin Sango made Oyo Empire and its tradesmen some of the richest men and women in the world who dominated in West Africa around 1070 A.D.

Assisting Women Farmers

Grenada Organic Agricultural Movement

The Livity of Rastafari - Family in the Hills

Ooni meets Oloyotunji of Oyotunji Yoruba African KIngdom of S.Carolina in America to Reinforce Yorubas Unity amongst Diaspora's Oodua Children

This is a concept of Blue Blood or royal bloodline that most outside of Africa can not grasp. The African race is unique, the first people on Earth, yet the first human beings were the Irunmole. These primordial beings created the first human beings, themselves, as the first royal bloodline. African people are called the children of their Kings and Queens, all throughout Africa, such Oba means Father, and Ayaba means Queen Mother, depending upon language, tradition and culture, as we are all the offspring of the primordial beings that descended upon Earth out of the primordial waters. And the African royal bloodline is the continuation of the Irunmole, they are the direct bloodline of the "Gods" for lack of a better word of cross-cultural understanding. First class royals in Africa each have a father and mother whose bloodline is unbroken and traces back to the Irunmole. Bloodline, royal and noble, is taken very serious in all African cultures. 

Queen Mother of Tooro Kingdom, Uganda, Her royal highness Best Kemigisa, rearing her son to be a great King.

The King of Tooro
Ohangirize Omukama Oyo Nyimba Iguru 
All grown up. 

Old black and white photo of the real Shaka Zulu

Shaka Zulu was greatly misunderstood. He too saw the value of his mother, Queen Nandi, and called her the endearing term, "The Great Elephant". The women are where the royal bloodline is kept. 

Dr Clark- The truth about Shaka Zulu

His Royal Majesty, Goodwill Zwelithini Paramount King of the Zulu Nation

Bloodline heir to the throne of Shaka Zulu

Queens of the Zulus

There's no limit of royal and noble families throughout the vast continent of Africa, with 100s of kingdoms, queendoms and empires. 

Julius Malema's Warning to Whites in South Africa

His Royal Majesty Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II

Queen Mother Nnabagereka (queen) Sylvia of the Buganda Kingdom 

Royal Tomb of the Kabakas

World Heritage site Unesco

Democracy v.s Monarchy

Africans the first builders of Earth homes

The past is the future

Nubian Arch, Nubian Domes, and Nubian Vaults | ARCH I TECT: How To Build A Pyramid

Earth Works (ISE AIYE)

Oyotunji African Village is an innovator when it comes to growing food and building sustainable homes from recycled items. Be a part of our continued elevation in the Earth Works sector. This planet is ours!

Africa Erotic or sexual habits described below:

No mouth to mouth, French kissing. Its nasty. Saliva contains blood.

No hand on genitals, no fingering, no penis or vagina massaging. 

No anal penetration. 

No oral stimualtion. 

No sex with animals. 


Anal or oral intercourse between human beings, or any sexual relations between a human being and an animal, the act of which may be punishable as a criminal offense.

Sodomy isn't apart of African culture and was never practiced in the African culture which is based upon worship of the Mother Goddess in every ancient African culture. African healing and medicine knew the existence of different blood types and that mixing of them were forbidden by nature. The practice of sodomy brings disease and sickness, as it lowers the immune system, it also spreads moral and spiritual decay throughout society. Also societies where sodomy is practiced it can be shown children suffer horrific sexual abuses and the mother is oppressed by silencing her voice as she cries for the pain of her children. 

The Ancient Egyptian Obelisks were created as a symbol of the phallus. The phallus was considered to be the property of the Mother Goddess as a tool she used to create Horus/The king and royal heirs. All African people are the children of their kings and queens of ancient royal bloodlines that tie back to the Gods. 

But more important than blood type, which some cultures like Asian ones, emphasize, with personalities assigned to blood type, is your ancestral bloodline. Don't get confused by other people's beliefs. Inside of your blood is all the information of your ancestors. Blood is a special kind of water. All water has its origin in the primordial waters and carry the electrifying current of life. Yes, this cosmic energy is in our bloodstream and is the life force of spirit. Our blood is where this cosmic radiance lies and it most attracted to spirits. The spirits of our ancestors live in our blood, the spirit of our guardian spirit lives in our blood. Yes, demonic spirits can attach themselves to your blood, this is why its important not to practice the rituals of other people, have blood transfusions or practice sodomy fluid exchange. 

South African royal family

Sudan Royal Family

Reincarnation and Bloodlines

When searching for where we are from in Africa as records of slaves were not accurate we can look thoroughly at the faces of African ethnic groups to find similarities. Knowing my lineage to Dr. Booker T. Washington, as my surname, Washington, lead me to my ancestors. Kikongo, Kiganda, Bantu, Kuba Kingdom, Tooro, Buganda, and other East African, Central African peoples. A few Ugandan and Congo people online knew who I was right away based upon my face. This is how I say that bloodline is more important than blood types. There are 4 types of blood but many variations based upon antigenes that shape each of us differently over time. I suggest all study who they are and where they are from in Africa. Chief Olaitan of Oyotunji, adviser to His Majesty Oba Adefunmi II, said that some of us were sent into slavery with a mission to bring the others back. Please take my spiritual advice and study yourselves for the time has come. Ase. 

His HighnessPrince Kwete of Bakuba Kingdom in DR Congo 

His Royal Majesty Shamba Bolongongo of Kuba Kingdom, The King of Peace. 

Kemet in the Kongo or Kongo in Kemet? 

Kingdom of Kongo

African History: Queen Nzinga

Eurasians throughout history have used sodomizing male populations in war as a strategic tactic. The purpose of which is to emasculate the population of the people they're invading. This raping of male soldiers was done on the battlefield, in prison camps, and to civilian villages of women, girls and boys. The Phoenicians attacked Greece and sodomized them, then the Greeks adopted this strategy, who invaded Lower Egypt in 325 B.C, raping and pillaging this once peaceful kingdom. This war tactic and perverse living passed down to Rome. Roman royalty, politicians, priests and soldiers were known for being sodomites, as all of Rome enjoyed and adorned sexual perversion and madness. This is depicted in their art work and writings of the period. The Roman held no regard to anyone judging their practice of sodomy. In fact, many Eurasians view sodomy as a badge of honor, they fashion themselves to be great warriors because they would rape the males of any people they invaded and emasculate them. They only saw weak emasculated males as the sissies, girlies, and men not worthy of respect. The Roman Catholic Church is full of sodomites, the entire religion of Christianity is a sodomite religion, because as I've said, these cultures view sodomy as a warrior's honor. Many Eurasians cultures practice pederasty, which is man boy love, they rape their sons to prepare them to become these insane sodomite soldiers. All this sodomy is against the laws of African civilization as the penis is only to be owned by the Mother Goddess to procreate life. The creation of monuments that look like giant joysticks were symbolic for the Mother Culture. It is the Eurasians who invaded, stole the symbolism, and changed the entire religion to suit their savagery. 

 "Homosexual" History of Christianity

The Arab Muslim Slave Trade Of Africans, The Untold Story

Legalized Marijuana

For decades now, U.S judicial institutions and counties across the U.S have been jailing and imprisoning African Americans, at an alarming rate, for possessing small amounts of marijuana, sometimes nothing more than paraphernalia, which maybe a weed pipe or marijuana residue on the fingers. While ignoring the huge amounts of Whites who indulge in the practice, openly, sometimes in defiant Marijuana festivals, without so much as an arrest. Now they are legalizing marijuana including here in Washington, D.C. Its very hypocritical seeing the Federal government has fought against Marijuana legalization in states like California. So how come they are jumping on board the weed train now? Because the marijuana being sold in low income, mostly Black neighborhoods is mostly synthetic, that is low grade herb tobacco, lots of it grown in Southern states like Virginia. Many youth and homeless people have died from seizures and overdoses by ingesting this poisoning mix into their system via smoking. But the most dangerous brand of marijuana is the low grade cannabis, laced with PCP or worse Meth, in order to increase the profits of lowly block sellers of marijuana. Also more  dangerous now, is this low grade marijuana is coming from cloned, genetically modified seeds, which are cancer causing, and possesses lethal health risk with possible unnoticeable long term effects. This is deliberately being manufactured by racist Whites with a diabolical plan to hurt and kill inner city African American youth looking for a legal high. When you are ignorant to the true smell and texture of real marijuana you can be easily fooled. If it smells like gasoline, it is more than likely, PCP, also known as embalming fluid.   But truth be told, when you don't grow your own plants, control your own water supply, or grow your own food you are subjected to poisoning by your mortal enemies. Ase. 

Deadmen don't smoke no Marijuana 

Truer words have never been sung! 

The So-Called Woman's March

Is it your mother they are honoring? When will the African woman be honored? When will she be respected, her children respected, and her lands given peace and prosperity? 

1. White women are hired in Inner city/ majority Black Public schools at a higher rate than Black women 

2. White Women hold higher paying positions and authority in institutions in Black communities 

3. White women are less likely to be arrested than Black women even when guilty.

4. Countless White women use their jobs in Black communities to molest the preteen and teen sons of Black women.

5. Though point 4 is considered rape most white women never go to prison for it.

6. Black women have an extremely higher percentage of being abused by police than white women.

7. White women can wear their natural hair without fear of being fired, Black women across the U.S have been penalized for wearing their natural hair.

8. The most important point of all. The Women's March is not intended to address these issues and White women know they do not have to address them, because they feel that Black women are pawns.

The Man Who Predicted Trump Now Predicts He Will Fail. (w/Guest: Eamonn Fingleton) 

   We must build our own economy and connect with independent Africans or suffer. 

You better act upon this blueprint while its time. President Obama did nothing for you and you did nothing for yourselves, even do though Black Nationalists treasuries were promoted to you. Things must be done in time to be effective, even good solutions are subjected to this principle. 16 trillion dollars in debt and a new world of trade relations leaves little room to believe America will regain her former dominance. Developing countries now make their own products, have manufacturing and enough natural resources not to import American products. Racial and religious prejudice has done this to the American society. Whites feel superior to every other African or person of color and its based upon their religion in Christianity. The KKK and other racist Aryan groups are devout Christians and based their hatred of Blacks upon biblical scriptures written in the Bible of Blacks being cursed by their God as slaves. This moral and spiritual conviction is alluded to in the famous Dred Scott Supreme court decision, which says, "A Blackman has no rights, that a whiteman is bound to respect".  This attitude and belief has hurt American society and its the reason for sending its jobs overseas, mass migrations of Hispanics illegals, cheap labor, into areas predominantly African American, simply to deprive the African of a decent living and equal status with Whites.  Ase. 

Trump will fail 



Build that wall

Illegal Immigration

First I would like to show my support to all indigenous people of North and South America who have a natural right to go anywhere they choose and live peacefully. Native people have no other home, other than this continent, where their ancestors were born and died for thousands of years. Many unique and sophisticated civilizations existed prior to the arrival of Europeans who cleansed the continent of these once noble and proud peoples. Many were regulated, put on reservations, rather isolated, to remote and barren parts of the land to starve them into extinction. When raping to breed them out and killing them didn't work they were often forced into social programming to eradicate their history and culture. Many Africans had come to these shores centuries ago, established trade, commerce, and began occupying, farming and building mounds. These people are now known as the Ancient Muurs Mound Builders who descended from North Africa. Many African Maroons or escaped slaves formed alliances with Native peoples and fought for the ending of Chattel Slavery. Now after all of this history has been erased, hidden and covered up, mix races of Natives, ignorant to their history, have fallen under the control of Catholic Whites, who now use them to keep control over America. This is the primary cause of immigration to keep Rome in power over and have dominion in American society. To force mass unemployment of African Americans by pipe lining Mexicans and other Hispanics into the predominant areas of  African Americans and hire them over the African Americans for extremely cheap labor. This comes at the expense of a cordial relations between Africans and Natives that goes back before European invasion of North and South America continents. 

Black Mexican Unity. "Mexicans did not approve of slavery" Louis Farrakhan

Farrakhan Promises Return of Southwest To La Raza Chicanos

Spanish, Portuguese and the Roman Catholic Church involved in African slavery in Americas

Georgetown University built with African slaves sold to George Washington by the Roman Catholic Church 


Dr. Marimba Ani

What she explains is perfectly said, "We must cleanse ourselves, entirely, of "European Concepts"

Nothing that they brought ever done any good to Africa. Just think about this, what if they never existed? We already possessed all the facets of civilizations, the highest sciences, unrivaled arts and crafts, and we were a beautiful people. Nothing has the European contributed, neither has any Eurasian to the existence of the great African race. Nothing! Ase.  

European Outright Insanity

Hear the truth from honest Whites

The White American racist laws and perverse judicial system is based upon their spiritual and moral convictions of Christianity. To them, in all honesty, we are being rebellious by not accepting, for them, what is truth, we are cursed by God to be slaves forever. You need to read your scripture if you believe I am wrong. 

The burning of crosses was a reminder for our people not to oppose their God's will and wrath by being uppity Negroes. 

The New Jim Crow

There is no Dr. King coming, no Christian savior, no one to condone the wickedness that you inflict upon your children by not protecting them and providing an economic infrastructure for them to live happy lives. Your hatred of the Black Power community, the strong of us,  and your dishonoring the Gullah Gee Chee ancestors that freed you will continue to curse you. Ase. 

The Gullah Wars

The REAL Deal..... Good Ole Abe and The Emancipation Proclamation

Who is Frederick Douglass?

Now I don't care who is related to Fredrick Douglas, because to me personally, he was an intellectual cowardly traitor. After suffering the butt busting ritual, used to emasculate the Blackmale, while  a slave in Maryland, Fredrick Douglas Bailey, spent the rest of his life promoting submission to White Supremacy. Mr. Douglas didn't support Martin Delaney's economic blueprint for Africa in his widely circulated newspaper, although they were friends. Mr. Douglas also, worked as an agent to a  Jewish Whiteman using his swag to help woo and recruit Blackmen to fight for the Union instead of fighting independent. We can't mix this coward with the bravery and courage of the Honorable Marcus Garvey. To put them together in the same space and time is a taboo. There's a difference between soldiers and warriors, not saying the Bailey family aren't soldiers but they are not warriors. A soldier follow orders, even the ones that shouldn't be followed, like those that are immoral and unethical, while a warrior marches to his own drum.  Ase. 

The Haitian Uprising

When I look upon Haiti today, I see a nation of independent Africans who desperately need to get into this worldwide union. Because Haiti was the first successful uprising here in the West against Slavery and Tyranny, they have suffered because of it. Who says its best to be the first? We love you Haiti. The Haitians after freeing themselves helped launched uprisings everywhere slavery reared its ugly head. Haitians warriors fought in Louisanna, in the Gullah wars, in Jaimaica and throughout the Caribbean. How much we owe the Haitians? Too much. More than we can ever repay. 

Black/African owned Social Media 

We have a vital need for our own social media. As we now know, the internet was created by an African, also social media used more by African people than any other people on the plane. There are media reports of Facebook, Google, Youtube and other European based social media platforms kicking off Black people and deleting their accounts. This can occur for numerous reasons, based upon White indifference to truth, government suppression; and White media encouraging nudity, profanity, Black self hatred, and pornography, done so as to keep the mind stuck on stupid. Yet despite, we must seek independence any way to gain respect in the world body. Please take the time to view these social media platforms that were formed and owned by Black/Africans. Just clicking on the image will take you to these sites where you can register an account. Ase. 

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